Event reports

Digital Public Infrastructures (DPIs) are at the heart of India’s development strategy, promising efficiency, scalability, and innovation in public service delivery.

As part of the second edition of the National Gender Fellowship, the Bengaluru Institute facilitated an opportunity for all the Fellows to come together and learn from prominent prac

IT for Change and the Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC), held a half-day expert roundtable on 9 September 2023 in Thiruvananthapuram, India, bringing toget

The entry of generative AI applications in the digital marketplace has intensified recent public debates about AI.

IT for Change and InternetLab organized a two-day closed roundtable on

As ‘data’ grows to be more clearly recognized as the driving force of the economic transformations of today, and the structuring principle of the economic landscape of the future, di

The Centre for Education and Technology, IT for Change, offered a 4-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Teaching Mathematics with Technology, in collaboration with the Foundati

India and the US are close to signing a limited trade deal that includes some key agricultural and dairy products, medical devices and some issues of digital trade.