digital futures


Twenty years ago, stakeholders gathered in Geneva at the first World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and affirmed a “common desire and commitment to build a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented Information Society.”

In preparation for the WSIS+20 review set to take place in 2025, we partnered with the Association…


UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for a Summit of the Future to address global crises, scheduled for September 2024. Ahead of this, a preparatory meeting in September 2023 will allow governments, civil society, trade unions, and researchers to shape the discourse on multilateralism.

The recent report "Spotlight on…


The Covid pandemic has starkly visibilized the underlying inequality and injustice of the global economic paradigm. It has not only exposed the cumulative failings of the neoliberal order, but also testified to the inevitability of crisis and catastrophe inherent to it. IT for Change participated in the project, 'A Digital New Deal: Visions of…