Internet Governance/Advocacy


Getting a CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation through a UN General Assembly resolution was an hard won victory for developing countries. It was an opportunity to propose and push for a new institutional architecture for the global governance of the Internet. In April,…


In early 2013, the Department of India, government of India, set up a working group for developing Principles for Internet Governance in India. IT for Change is a member of this working group. In April, 2013, we submitted a detailed input paper outlining a framework for…


The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) gave a mandate to commence a process towards enhanced cooperation with regard to international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. This phrase largely implies…


In this piece for the Hindu, Parminder Jeet Singh discusses the significance of India’s proposal for the formation of a UN Commitee for Internet-Related Policies (CIRP) in developing countries’ fight for a greater stake in the governance of the Internet.


The bidding model adopted by ICANN in the allocation of generic top level domain names is creating monopolies and privatizing the knowledge commons, observes Parminder Jeet Singh in The Hindu. 


In the run up to the UN CSTD meeting in Geneva in May 2012 and IT for Change's campaign for 'democratising global Internet governance,'Parminder Jeet Singh in an op-ed for The Hindu addresses the manner in which  economic and political powers are coming together in a new…


The US and dominant global Internet companies fear regulation because it will adversely affect their control over the communication realm. Read Parminder Jeet Singh's take in the Hindu on the future direction of telecommunication regulations in lieu of the WCIT.


In this article for IGF Watch, Parminder Jeet Singh unpacks the politics of 'enhanced-cooperation' and recounts IT for Change's continued efforts towards a more inclusive debate on this topic at various international forums and the resistance.



IT for Change (ITfC) was one among five civil society organisations invited to make submissions before the Working Group on Improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (WG-IGF) of the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology Development (UNCSTD), in January 2011.…


IT for Change helped prepare India's submission for the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development's Working Group on Improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (WGIIGF). The submission has some concrete set of IGF reform proposals and helped shape the…


IT for Change participated as one of the five civil society members of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development's Working Group on Improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (WGIIGF). IT for Change submitted two input papers arguing that processes need to…


In the Rio Recommendations government representatives of India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) advocate for the creating a new UN agency to look into global Internet governance issues. In this context, it was agreed that the models proposed by the Working Group on Internet…


The Heads of the States of IBSA acknowledged the importance of the IBSA Dialogue Forum as an instrument to promote coordination on global issues and deliberated on a few topics that are recorded in the Tshwane declaration. The Rio seminar also accepted to set up an IBSA…


Read this statement by Mr. Dushyant Singh (Hon'ble Member of Parliament, India) on India's proposal for a United Nations Committee for Internet-Related Policies (CIRP)


Read the IBSA's joint statement presented at the UN meeting in New York on 14 December on constructing internet governance and enhanced cooperation.