IT for Change


IT for Change participated in the National Consultation for reviewing the Zero draft of the Agreed Conclusions of the 61st Session of the CSW, convened by Programme on Women's Economic Social and Cultural Rights (PWESCR) in February 2017. The submission highlights the need to work towards the larger agenda of building a…


IT for Change made a submission, in response to the Call for Inputs from the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on ways to bridge the gender digital divide from a Human Rights perspective. Our submission recognises that the gender divide is not a technical issue of connectivity but a political issue…


IT for Change in collaboration with Azim Premji University and  Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - India Office organised a course 'Re-conceptualising Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in a Plaformising Society' on 17th and 18th August 2018.

Essential background readings for the course


World-over, technology-mediated violence against women is growing to be a serious social problem. Women’s full and free participation in digital spaces presupposes a safe online environment, but going online seem to be fraught with the risk of violence for women. Governments, especially in countries in the global South, are yet to bring their…


IT for Change submitted comments on the draft general comment on state obligations under the ICESCR in the context of business activities. The submission asserted the need for an immediate and appropriate regulatory response to platform-companies, who have increasingly become key actors in every sector.


IT for Change supported the Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism (APRCEM) in developing their critique of the Draft Ministerial Declaration of the High Level Political Forum (2017), on follow up and review of progress towards Agenda 2030. The theme of this years' review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is "Eradicating…


Our discussion paper on the issue of technology-mediated violence against women analyses the adequacy of the current legal and institutional frameworks in India and proposes alternate models that need to be debated and analysed. The paper raises a series of questions on overhauling the existing legal framework, effectively addressing…


Our “Teachers Community of Learning” (TCOL) is an intensive program focusing on developing classroom strategies and teacher development programmes through ICT integration at the class, school and block levels, that can result in a meaningful and empowering educational experiences for teachers and students.

Our TCOL field projects with…


IT for Change is the resource institution for the Subject Teacher Forum (STF) “in-service teacher education” program for high school teachers in Karnataka. The Karnataka Open Educational Resources (KOER) program is a component of the STF. The KOER program was started in 2013-14 by DSERT Karnataka, in collaboration with IT for Change. ITfC…


During 2010- 16, ITfC designed and implemented a new model of teacher-education, based on ‘professional community of practice’ amongst teachers, in collaboration with RMSA and DSERT Karnataka, called the 'Subject Teacher Forum' program (STF).

On similar lines, in partnership with Department of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, ITfC…