IT for Change

A two day photo exhibition was organised in the villages Hosavaranchi (on Jun 7-8) and Attiguppe (May 31-Jun 1), in Mysore district, to showcase to the community the learning of adolescent girls who participate in the 'Kishori Chitrapata' (Images by Adolescent Girls) Project, a collaborative intervention of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan (SSA…

This workshop was conducted to give Institutional Capacity Development team (Mandya) an overview on ICT possibilities in education and thus to explore how ICT can be effectively used in ICD programme to achieve its objectives.

On the first day, Gurumurthy began with a discussion on 'what is education…

The objectives of the Teachers Community of Learning (TCoL) programme is two-fold. The first objective is to create an on-line community of teachers to enable them to network, share resources, seek assistance and voice their opinions of education policy and day-to-day school transactions and eventually enable the…

8th September:

The first day of this TCoL workshop was held in GMPS Puttenahalli. It was a conscious move on our part to conduct this workshop in a school as we felt that teachers would be more comfortable and have…

The objectives of this workshop were:

- To introduce teachers and department officials to the program's goals and processes.

- To identify the interested teachers for the project.

- To brainstorm with them on possible strategies for using ICTs in Education.

- To introduce them to the basics on computer use and the…

This post was a response by Anita on the discussion, Women, Citizenship and Participation: Beyond the Politics of Exclusion in the Gender Community e-mail list of Solution Exchange, India  It brings in some elements that pertain to the structural changes effected by digital technologies and the emergent information society,…

The Policy Planning Unit (PPU) of the Education Department, Government of Karnataka, organized workshops to train 120 government teacher educators' from DIETs and BRCs, as ‘Master Trainers on Public Software educational tools', during August 2010, with resource support from Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Azim Premji Foundation, infrastructure…

Below is Anita's Editorial for the special issue on Gender of The Journal of Community Informatics: I came into this special issue of the Journal of Community Informatics as guest editor with the rather common sense hypothesis that the notion of 'community' as well as information and communication systems are unequivocally gendered. It is well…

Gurumurthy K, IT for Change, participated in the “CeTIT 2010”(Citizens Empowerment Through Information Technology), the second edition of Conference-Cum-Exhibition on “e-governance” on 27th and 28th July 2010 organized by FICCI, Department of Information and Technology, Government of Tamil Nadu, Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (…

On the 21st of July IT for Change organised an interaction for around 50 student-teachers from Netherlands and around 20 of their counterparts from Bangalore. These student-teachers from The Netherlands were part of Edukans Education Experience Program where students exchange information and knowledge with students abroad. The Indian students…