

India should prioritise strong AI governance to ensure data sovereignty, promote indigenous innovation, and address ethical concerns.

ChatGPT may represent a point of inflection in public consciousness about the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its key role in society. It is time to take stock of what society should be doing…


As part of our engagement with the Women’s Right Online Network (WRO), we are happy to have partnered with the Tech Policy Design Lab of the World Wide Web Foundation for building a webpage dedicated to mapping the state of online gender-based violence (OGBV) across the globe.



Anita Gurumurthy, Executive Director, IT for Change, participated in an Interactive Expert Panel on ‘Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls’ at UN CSW67 on 14 March 2023.

Her talk focused on issues of unaccountable data practices of…


IT for Change, in partnership with SEWA Cooperative Federation and Vrutti Livelihood Impact Partners, organized a policy roundtable on 24 August 2022 in New Delhi to explore emerging intersections between digitalization and agriculture in India.

Titled, ‘The Digital Ecosystem Opportunity for Indian Agriculture - Making the Right Choices…


Over the past two years, there have been concerning instances of excess and malpractice by Big Tech, leading to serious social, political, and economic consequences. These include data extractivism, increased worker precarity, setbacks in gender justice, the domination of developing countries' infrastructure, manipulation of global governance…


IT for Change and InternetLab organized a two-day closed roundtable on Feminist Perspectives on Social Media Governance on April 19-20, 2022. This roundtable was part of our Recognize-Resist-Remedy Project, funded by IDRC Canada, that explores how women's first-order right to participation can be reclaimed in the platformized publics of the…


The Call For Applications for our Institute on Frontiers and Frames For A New Digitality is now closed. We're delighted and humbled by the overwhelming response we've received.

Selected candidates will be notified over mail in the next few weeks.

Across social movements and sectors, civil society actors have begun to recognize…


IT for Change and InternetLab are co-organizing a roundtable on April 19th and 20th to catalyze a productive debate revolving around the central question: what new imaginaries of social media governance will be adequate to eradicate the unfreedoms arising from misogyny in online communications agora?

Through this roundtable, the…


As ‘data’ grows to be more clearly recognized as the driving force of the economic transformations of today, and the structuring principle of the economic landscape of the future, discussions around the need for an adequate governance regime are starting to pick up steam. From breaking up Big Tech monopolies, to passing legislation that ensures…


Visual Coding camp

One highlight of our work in the “Teachers Communities of Learning” program during 2019-20 was the camps conducted on visual programming at St Euphrasias Girls High School during January 2020. The objective was to strengthen STEM capabilities in the students, and we…