Research papers

 As part of our ongoing projects on gender and the digital economy, IT for Change invited proposals and pitches under two National Gender Fellowsh

Even as the Covid-19 pandemic continues into its second year, we are yet to put in place a system that addresses students’ needs and concerns during the pandemic.

Anand Desai and Neeta Jose presented two papers at an online International Conference on

Anita Gurumurthy has authored a chapter, 'New Cartographies of the Digital Commons: Going by Feminist Wisdom' for a major anthology - Labouring Women: Issues and Challenges in Co

The rhetoric of the e-commerce opportunity in policy dialogues on trade and development often fails to engage with concerns on equity and inclusion.

Parminder Jeet Singh, Anita Gurumurthy, and Nandini Chami contributed a chapter on

Translation is seen as a high-skilled professional activity, which restricts its reach.

Schools and educational institutions have tended to use proprietary software applications: software that is not sold, but ‘licensed’, by the vendor.

The synthesis report of the multi-country research study titled '