

IT for Change provided its comments to the Committee on Net Neutrality of the Government of India's Department of Telecommunication. There are below and also enclosed. The submission highlights 'equality of opportunity' more than consumer's freedom of choice as the key principle underlying a net neutral Internet. It also goes into the problem…


The UN Secretary General has issued a very important report on the SDGs process titled "The Road to Dignity for All: Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the Planet"

IT for Change submitted the following comments, specifically on ICTs and data…


This policy brief provides insights from Women-gov, a feminist action research project aimed at enhancing marginalised women's active citizenship and their engagement with local governance, across three sites in India, Brazil and South Africa. The partnering organisations for this project are IT for Change in India, Instituto Nupef in Brazil…


In 2014, the World Wide Web Foundation (WWW) in collaboration with SIDA launched 'ICTs for Empowerment of Women and Girls', a 12-month research and policy advocacy initiative with the vision of empowering women in and through the Internet, across ten countries in Africa, Asia and South America. IT for Change contributed to…


The Subject Teacher Forum (STF) is an “in-service teacher education” programme for high school teachers in Karnataka was started in 2010-11 by RMSA Karnataka, in collaboration with IT for Change. Over the last four years, ITfC has trained around 500 Government High School teachers in mathematics, science, head teacher and social…


This draft paper was a result of research undertaken for the University of Pennsylvania's Internet Policy Observatory. It begins by mapping the Indian IG scene so far, and then moves onto an impressionist analysis of first hand interviews conducted across a broad section of stakeholders, to identify the Indian IG agenda imperatives.


The IG chapter, penned for a book of policy recommendations in the context of the new Government, calls for a reconstitution of the India's Internet policy in place of knee-jerk reforms that are poorly researched, incomprehensible and lack foresight.


Issue No. 287 of the Third World Network's 'Resurgence' featured many articles by members of the Just Net Coalition, foregrounding global level Internet Governance issues of critical importance, during the run up to the IGF 2014, Istanbul. Parminder Jeet Singh's overview traces the International IG scene so far, emphasizes Snowden's…


In September 2014, IT for Change and International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, jointly organised a Round Table in Bengaluru titled 'Inclusion in the network society – mapping development alternatives, forging research agendas'. The Round Table brought together 28 research scholars, development practitioners and thinkers,…


In August 2014, we interviewed about 25 people spanning different domains, alongside an examination of views and perspectives from workshops such as Internet We Need, Social Justice in an Internet-mediated World, The Emerging issues in Use and Governance of the Internet from the Indian Perspective etc. and compiled an impressionist commentary…