Anita Gurumurthy was invited to participate in the Conference for Promotion of Policing Standards (COPPS) 2018 hosted by the Bureau of Police Research and Development and the Indian Police Foundation at BPR&D Conference Hall, New Delhi in May. The conference focused on the future of policing in the digital age. Anita made a presentation on evolving robust responses to gender-based cyber violence at the session 'Strategies to counter online violence'. The presentation highlights the gaps in the legal framework and shortcomings of law enforcement responses with respect to prosecuting gender-based cyber violence. It recommends the enactment of a single legislation to address GBCV, evolution of capacity building measures for law-enforcement and institution of better data collection practices in official crime records systems. It also highlights the need to move beyond the 'legal' to a 'holistic institutional response' including multiple stakeholders: internal complaints committees at educational institutions and workplaces, one-stop crisis centres and so on. The presentation can be found here.