
Adopting an integrated approach to women's rights, one that recognises the indivisibility of civil-political and socio-economic rights- we have aimed to produce cutting edge theoretical and policy frameworks on gender equality in the information society. Our research and advocacy are rooted in Southern feminist approaches to women's digital age citizenship, rejecting glib, one-size-fits-all approaches.


Instead of flexi-work and increased labor participation for women, the platform economy has deepened intersectional inequalities—of gender, class, geography, and race—making women workers more vulnerable. At the Beijing+30 conjuncture, we urgently need multi-scalar policy responses that can get our institutions…

As part of the second edition of the National Gender Fellowship, the Bengaluru Institute facilitated an opportunity for all the Fellows to come together and learn from prominent practitioners on issues of gender in the digital economy. Over two days, the participants had the chance to refine their research projects and receive vital mentorship…

The starting point of this paper is that the value extraction apparatus of digital labor platforms can be understood only by deploying a ‘reproductive lens’ and not through a exclusive focus on their algorithmic optimization strategies in mediating the labor marketplace. Rooted in an in-depth empirical exploration of the experiences of 19 women…

We are thrilled to announce the selection of 6 exceptional researchers for the second edition of the Think Pieces: Gender and Digital Economy, as part of our project, ‘Re-wiring India’s Digitalising Economy for Women’s Rights and Well-being,’ supported by the European Commission and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

The researchers will produce…

IT for Change, with support from Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, is undertaking a project ‘Pathways to Gender Equality in the Platform Economy: Evolving a Policy Agenda for Beijing+30’, commencing in January 2025.

Belying initial optimism, platformization has not opened up empowering flexi-work opportunities that address traditional…

We are thrilled to announce the selection of ten exceptional researchers for the second edition of the National Gender Fellowship, as part of our project, Re-wiring India’s Digitalising Economy for Women’s Rights and Well-being, supported by the European Commission and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung…