Nandini Chami will be conducting the fourth Crash Course on big tech, techno-feudalism and democracy, on the topic of Big Tech and the Global South. This session is being organized by Crash Course, a platform designed to open up debate on social, economic, ecological and regenerative justice.
This crash course will take a closer look at how to resist the enormous and all-encompassing influence of Big Tech and platform economies, and how to regain control over individual and collective data as it is being increasingly commodified and traded. Nandini will address these questions, show how the rise of Big Tech connects to growing inequality and development in the Global South, and further discuss:
- Can we gain back ownership of our personal and collective data and intelligence?
- What would local, national, and global regulation of Big Tech look like?
- How can the growing digitization of trade and the economy work for development?
Watch the video of the session here.