Teaching Learning Centre of Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
The Teaching Learning Centre of Ramanujan College organized a seven day Faculty Development Programme on “Skill based Teacher’s Training in ICT, IPR and Research” to enhance the skill set of the teaching fraternity from 5 March 2018 to 11 March 2018. IT for Change conducted sessions on 9 and 10 March on ICT integration in education.
Workshop objectives
- Learning how to use ICT to create text resources (concept map)
- Learning how to use ICT to create image and animation resources
- Learning how to use ICT to create video resources
- Publishing resources
ITfC conducted training for the college faculty on Learning Management System (Moodle), Concept mapping (using Freeplane) and video resource creation (using Kazam). Participants enjoyed the workshop immensely.
"Thanks a lot Sir for a great session. The participants really learnt a lot including us. I particularly like the Freeplane and Kazam technologies demonstrated. Thanks really for your support. Looking forward to future associations"