Shreeja Sen was part of a panel discussion organized by the Womens Foreign Policy Group on Countering Tech-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence and Intimidation. Her talk was rooted in the same ideas that shape our Recognize, Resist, Remedy project.
You can watch a recording of the session here.
About the event: Technology-facilitated GBV harms people of all gender identities and social statuses, but women and girls—especially those who dare to speak up and speak out—are disproportionately affected. Online bullying and harassment has surged during the pandemic and directly impacts the actions and mental well-being of many of its victims. When women fear for their safety they are significantly less likely to challenge norms or seek out leadership roles in their community. How can we engage the global community—from governments to tech companies—to create a safer space for women and girls to make their voices heard and thrive without fear?
Other panelists at the event were:
H.E. Katri Viinikka, Ambassador for Gender Equality, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland
Monica Aleman Cunningham, Ford Foundation Senior Program Officer for BUILD
Patricia Georgiou, Director of Partnerships & Business Development at Jigsaw
Hélène Molinier (Opening), Senior Manager, Action Coalition on Innovation and Technology
Sandra Pepera (Moderator), Director for Gender, Women and Democracy at NDI