Aapti and the Swasth Alliance
Parminder Jeet Singh has been invited to take part in a virtual policy roundtable on the Consent Manager framework and its instantiation within India’s health data regulatory landscape. The roundtable will be organized by Aapti and Swasth Alliance on October 14 at 5:00 PM IST.
The aim of the roundtable is to convene a multi-stakeholder dialogue with representatives from industry, policymaking, academia, and non-profit organizations working in healthcare and consumer bodies to moot the viability of instantiating the consent manager architecture within India’s healthcare sector. This subject is timely and relevant, given that the CM architecture finds mention within India’s flagship healthcare digitization program, the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission and its attendant Health Data Management Policy which was released in April 2022.
Among other things, the roundtable will examine the following questions:
- Instantiating the consent manager (CM) architecture requires probing into the existing breakdowns in technology and challenges created by linguistic diversity in India. How can the CM framework overcome these bottlenecks?
- India would become the first country to recognize a tripartite model of health data sharing if the CM framework is implemented. What are the implications for equitable health data governance and patient rights in this context?
- Robust digital public infrastructure will be the backbone of the CM framework. Do health facilities (both public and private) have the necessary access to DPI and the capacity to support the rollout of CM in healthcare?
- Are there any lessons/insights from the account aggregator rollout that can be applied to CM instantiation within the healthcare sector?
- In the absence of comprehensive data protection legislation for India, how can patients realize their data rights and hold data users/holders accountable for their actions?