IT for Change joined 22 WACC partner organizations in Nairobi, Kenya for a partner sharing and consultation session from 1-3 August 2023. The overarching theme of the gathering, framed under the banner of "Communication Rights: Towards a Digital Justice Agenda," prompted participants to collaboratively articulate a set of crucial digital communication rights.
During the consultation, WACC project partners shared learnings and best practices from their work on communication rights in general and digital rights in particular.
Our advocacy associate, Viraj Desai explored questions of digitalisation and intersectionality, giving special focus to gender and inclusion. They shared insights from our work on advancing digital justice and economic rights in the fields of environment, agriculture, education, and finance. They highlighted the pressing need for a re-orientation of policy conversations to be anticipatory rather than reactive.
Additionally, the event aimed to foster a collective vision for a digital transformation process grounded in justice and geared towards the common good, aligning with the upcoming 20-year review of the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS +20). Participants built a proposal articulating a non-exhaustive catalogue of essential digital communication rights.