IT for Change's Malavika Rajkumar participated in the Asia Pacific Regional CSO Forum & Regional CSW68 Consultation on the Priority Theme for the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women. The event was organized by Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, UN Women, and others between 4-5 February 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The specific objectives of the CSO Forum included building the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on the 68th Commission on the Status of Women processes (CSW68) and priority thematic issues; collectively strategizing regional and global advocacies within the CSW68 priority theme, followed by the local and national level commitments made in the agreed upon conclusions of CSW68; and strengthening cross-movement solidarity between the diverse constituencies represented, including youth-focused/led movements, women movements, advocates for sexual and reproductive rights, LBTIQ+ rights, indigenous rights movements, migrant and labor rights movements, sex workers— recognizing the interconnected nature of our shared struggle.
Malavika participated in a session titled, 'Introduction to the CSW68 Priority Theme: Focus on Institutions' and presented on the surveillance, scrutiny and the role of institutions. The facilitator of the session was Alexa Johns (Executive Director, Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights).
Learn more about the event here.