IT for Change and Association for Progressive Communications
To crystallize issues for concerted civil society action in the coming year, IT for Change and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) are convening a strategy meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 10–11 February 2025. The meeting is organized in collaboration with the Global Digital Justice Forum (GDJF) and the Emancipatory Futures Studies, School of Social Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand.
At the critical juncture of the 20th-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society, this proposed meeting seeks to convene about 25 participants. It convokes members of the GDJF together with local and regional partners of APC and IT for Change from the African region.
The meeting seeks to realize the following objectives:
1. Identify the key building blocks of a progressive civil society advocacy agenda for digital justice in the short and medium term, including the WSIS+20 review. It will also examine contemporary challenges to build an inclusive, people-centric, development-oriented digital paradigm. This will include digital issues at the intersection of other global development justice agendas, such as:
- Financing and policy support for digital infrastructure development and public digital innovation capabilities for the South
- Communication justice and plural knowledge societies
- Ecological transition
- Gender equality
- Corporate accountability and market concentration
2. To build a political strategy and advocacy plan on digital justice for upcoming global and regional policy forums on allied areas including the Financing for Development conference and beyond.
The complete agenda can be found here.