Third World Network, Focus on the Global South, the Forum on FTAs and partner organisations
As the Eleventh Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Argentina draws near, it is important to create awareness among broad constituencies in India about the issues on the table, especially the challenges facing developing countries. We need to jointly learn about the linkages between these global policy decisions and their grass root level impacts. The issues at stake during the forthcoming Ministerial; agriculture al domestic subsidies, permanent solution on public food stockholding (PDS), special safeguard mechanism, fisheries subsidies, and the new issues around e-commerce and investment facilitation are all of great interest to India and its people and will impact a range of constituencies including farmers, trade unions, fisherfolk, internet and IPR groups, patient groups, women and indigenous communities and so on. So it is imperative that all of us are involved in the process of awareness building and consultation, so as to engage with the negotiation process and make peoples' voices heard heard both at national and global levels.
Parminder Jeet Singh from IT for Change will be attending this day long workshop.