Nandini Chami was part of a Consultation with CSOs On Sectoral Reporting Template for the ICT Sector jointly organized by UNDP India and Partners in Change on 16th November as part of their work towards development of ICT Sector specific – Business Responsibility and Sustainability Framework (BRSR).
The Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) released the report of the Committee on Business Responsibility Reporting (BRR) on 11th August 2021. In the report, the Committee recommended a new two-format reporting framework called ''Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR)''. The BRSR shall be applicable to top 1000 listed entities (by market capitalization) and in order to give time to companies to adapt to the new requirements, the reporting of BRSR shall be voluntary for FY 2021 –22 and mandatory from FY 2022 –23. Companies are encouraged to be early adopters to the BRSR, thus being at the forefront of sustainability reporting.
One of the recommendations of the committee was to form non-financial reporting guidelines that pertain to different sectors. Drawing from the BRSR committee's recommendations, UNDP and PIC have initiated a process to create sector-specific templates framework, starting with the ICT Sector.
As part of building this framework, UNDP & PIC are holding 3 large group consultations, one each with Workers, Trade Unions and vendors; IT Business and consumers; and civil society organisations. The purpose of these consultations is to further build upon the issues that have been identified and to strengthen the framework.
In this particular consultation with CSO's in the ICT sector, Nandini Chami will be a panelist alongside-
Gokhularaj R- Cividep India
Ajay Sinha- Flair
Apar Gupta- Internet Freedom Foundation
Pallavi Bedi- Centre for Internet & Society
With Tom Thomas from Praxis India as moderator.
Register for the event here