Anita Gurumurthy has been invited to speak at the second edition of the School’s Paulo Freire Annual Lecture at Loughborough University London. Titled "Conscientization in Times of Cognitive Injustice", the lecture will take place on 27 September 27, 2023, at 11 pm IST.
The lecture will critically examine the AI revolution and its foundational premises. Participants are invited to turn to Freire to understand how the technicalization of knowledge today exhorts the discovery of silences — carefully preserved to serve the circuits of cognitive capitalism. The discussion will delve into the archaeology of consciousness in a post-human society, probing the vital question of how we must act to root out oppression in a world rife with glaring injustices. Anita's presentation can be viewed here.
The Paulo Freire Annual Lecture 2023 will be hosted in person at Loughborough University London and streamed online. Registration is mandatory for both forms of attendance. You can register here.