IT for Change’s Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami will be participating in the 64th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, to be held in Hyderabad between 29-31 March 2024.
At 9:00 AM on 30 March, Anita will be present in the capacity of a discussant in a technical discussion, chaired by Mariko Ouchi, Senior Technical Specialist on Social Protection, International Labour Organization, Delhi. The session will highlight critical perspectives on topics like platform work, gig economy and workers.
Later on the same day at 3:00 PM, Anita and Nandini will be speaking on a panel discussion titled, ‘Gendered Experiences and Understanding of the Gig Economy in India’, which will be chaired by Anweshaa Ghosh, Research Fellow and Program Lead, Institute of Social Studies Trust. They will be sharing their presentation, ‘Beyond the Gig - Reimagining Economies for Feminist Possibilities.’
Learn more about the event here.