(KAICC)/ Online
Global Digital Justice Forum, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Digital Constitutionalism Network, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility
The Day 0 session "Fit for Future" at the 19th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum was co-organized by IT for Change as part of the Global Digital Justice Forum. The roundtable was a visioning exercise focused on advancing global digital cooperation. Anchored in the World Summit on Information Society, 20-year review (WSIS + 20 review) and the Global Digital Compact (GDC), the session aimed to identify gaps and institutional deficits in digital governance while fostering discussions on how global cooperation can deliver digital justice.
The session highlighted critical gaps in digital cooperation and outlined actionable steps to address them. Key priorities include aligning WSIS and GDC processes, tackling issues like data governance, AI ethics, and gender equity, and overcoming challenges such as the lack of a clear roadmap, financing, and inclusive participation. Urgent actions focus on ensuring equitable involvement of the Global South and underrepresented groups, integrating gender considerations, and addressing institutional deficits. Proposed steps include creating a comprehensive GDC roadmap, enhancing civil society participation, and revitalizing WSIS action lines to strengthen cooperation and transparency in digital governance.
Read the event report and concept note.
Learn more about the event here.
Learn more about IT for Change's engagements at IGF 2024 here.