Along with a coalition of CSOs IT for Change contributed to a submission to the European Competition Commission urging it to investigate the Nvidia/Run:ai merger. The group expressed concerns that the merger would help Nvidia reinforce its super-dominance in the supply of advanced GPUs by integrating Run:ai software to build an additional…
Joint submission/endorsement with Digital Merger Watch DMW on a response to the Nvidia/Run:ai merger
IT for Change responded to the Department of Telecom’s (DoT) consultation paper on the Artificial Intelligence Stack released by its AI Standardization Committee in September 2020.
Read the full submission here.
ITfC appreciates the DoT’s initiative in taking steps in artificial intelligence (AI) governance by recognising the…
Future of Rights and Citizenship in the Digital Age seeks to identify and address challenges emerging from increased usage of data and algorithms in society. Supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, this project will undertake systematic, evidence-based research and advocacy towards a citizen-oriented framework…
Statement of the APRCEM S&T Constituency on COVID-19.
The world is presently facing a global health pandemic as many countries battle the widespread transmission of COVID-19 that has already cost the lives of almost 42,000 and afflicted nearly 858,000 people. The healthcare community across nations is engaged in desperate attempts to…
The human body is asserting itself more than as a performative spectacle on the streets. From Hong Kong to India, Catalonia, Lebonan, Chile and many more, the body is a signifier of bio-power and hope, defeating surveillance, courting arrest and deliberately seeking the system’s panoptic gaze.
The proliferation of protests suggests a…
The glass is half full.
Voices of resistance to power are everywhere. Students and young people are taking to the streets; women are infiltrating public discourse; and the unlikely activist is joining popular uprisings. Social movements are rejecting tokenism and ‘woke-washing’ from corporations, demanding that governments deal with the…
This policy brief deals with the principles and framework to govern aggregate non-personal data as 'common pool resources'. Such an intervention is necessary in view of the large dividends acquired through the use of such data, the widespread de facto collection of data and its potential as a raw material for the development of Artificial…
As part of the Just Net Coalition, IT for Change helped develop draft input text on the human rights obligations of digital TNCs, for an international legally binding instrument on Transnational Corporations. This will be submitted to the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises…