Unlocking Multistakeholder Cooperation within the UN System: Global Partnerships for Open Internet

IT for Change’s Executive Director, Anita Gurumurthy, participated in a roundtable discussion at the WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024, titled, ‘Unlocking Multistakeholder Cooperation within the UN System: Global Partnerships for Open Internet,’ on 29 May 2024. The roundtable discussion aimed to facilitate a policy conversation and offer recommendations on integrating Open Internet principles, as outlined, among others in the Declaration for the Future of the Internet, into ongoing processes such as WSIS+20, the Global Digital Compact, and other UN-related multistakeholder initiatives. It also sought to explore how to expand the scope, approach, and instruments dedicated to realizing these principles within the UN system through multistakeholder partnerships.

Anita, in her input, highlighted the need to ensure stakeholder accountability, and structure governance processes in alignment with human rights, dignity, equity, and global justice.

Read her complete input here and learn more about IT for Change’s participation at the High-Level event.

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