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To push the boundaries of Southern scholarship on the information society and ICTD domains, IT for Change undertook the ‘Information Society for the South’ research programme (2005-10). With support from the International Development Research Centre (Canada), a series of research papers and policy briefs exploring information society issues from a political economy perspective were produced.

Between 2009-10, in partnership with Mahila Samakhya Karnataka, UNICEF and Sarva Shikshana Abhiyan, IT for Change’s field centre, Prakriye, implemented an ICT-enabled critical ‘education-for-empowerment’ programme for over 40-plus adolescent girls in rural Mysore. The programme used an innovative social constructivist pedagogy, that deployed video and photography-based learning methods. 

Between 2005-2010, with support from UNDP, IT for Change worked towards strengthening the collective learning-action processes of over 200 marginalised rural women’s collectives of the Mahila Samakhya programme in Mysore district, Karnataka, India. The project used a three-pronged ICT strategy comprising community radio, community video and women-run community telecentres.

Between 2012-14, IT for Change’s field centre Prakriye partnered with Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan and ANANDI – grassroots women’s rights organisations in Gujarat – to build an ICT-enabled model for women’s political empowerment and gender-responsive local governance. This project was supported by UN Women Fund for Gender Equality.

The Centre for Education and Technology, seeks to build participatory and emancipatory teacher education and school development models, in partnership with public education systems. Our field projects integrate digital technologies for creating and collaborating for learning. Our research focuses on collaborative OER models embedded in professional learning communities of teachers using free and open technologies.

In April 2017, with support from the International Development Research Centre, Canada, IT for Change initiated a multi-country research study to map the key issues/concerns for the rights and inclusion agenda, stemming from pervasive platformisation. Through a detailed analysis of digital platforms, the project seeks to garner insights about key policy implications on access to data, competition, economic opportunity, and innovation.

The Centre for Education and Technology’s research projects focus on cutting edge issues of ICT integration in education - collaborative OER models, professional learning communities of teachers and free and open technologies. The Centre also conducts evaluation of government and non-government ICT programs in education.