Getting a CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation through a UN General Assembly resolution was an hard won victory for developing countries. It was an opportunity to propose and push for a new institutional architecture for the global governance of the Internet. In April, 2013, IT for Change wrote this paper for the South Centre, Geneva, an inter-governmental think-tank of developing countries, outlining the significance of the Working Group and exhorting developing countries to take up an active role in it. It also presented concrete directions that their engagement with and proposals to the Working Group can take.
Also find the advisory note shared with some governmental and non-governmental actors just prior to the first meeting of the Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation, providing concrete suggestions vis s vis the agenda of the meeting.
Finally, the template or suggested responses to the WGEC questionnaire document, which IT for Change prepared after the Working Group's first meeting in May 2013, can be found below. This was disseminated through the South Centre, Geneva, to developing country representative to assist them in preparing their individual responses. we found a major influence of this paper in many a country responses that were submitted to the WGEC.
WGEC questionaire - south centre - final.pdf
Below, find the IT for Change's organisational response to the same questionnaire.