democratic governance of the Internet


The Global Digital Justice Forum, of which IT for Change acts as the secretariat, has issued a rejoinder to the open letter from tech community leaders and internet innovators to the United Nations, expressing their reservations that the draft text of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) being negotiated by governments may “mandate more centralized…


The entry of generative AI applications in the digital marketplace has intensified recent public debates about AI. Silicon Valley’s ‘move fast’ techno-optimism is now under the scanner. A humane and just AI system requires a radical restructuring of the global political-economic regime of knowledge, innovation, and development. In an era…


IT for Change participated in the call for inputs by the UN Special Rapporteur, in order to inform the report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism on online hate speech to 78th session of the General Assembly.

IT for Change's submission highlights how gender intersects with, compounds, and reinforces discrimination…


The gagging of free speech and its direct fallout in the form of self-censorship are slowly but steadily moving from being exceptions to becoming the norm in India. Proof of this downward spiral has been the recent backlash following a tweet from IAS officer Shah Faesal of the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) cadre. The tweet which seemed to…


Parminder Jeet Singh, IT for Change, India, presented a draft proposal at the Russian Internet Governance Forum's panel on BRICS, for instituting a formal framework of cooperation on digital economy, and also setting up a research centre in this area. This proposal appeared as an article in Other News. Click here for the proposal as published…


Getting a CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation through a UN General Assembly resolution was an hard won victory for developing countries. It was an opportunity to propose and push for a new institutional architecture for the global governance of the Internet. In April, 2013, IT for Change wrote this paper for the South…