Mar 2005
In 2005, IT for Change carried out a series of three case studies in order to explore community-owned ICTD models in India. The selected initiatives were Akshaya (Kerala), the rural e-Seva kiosks (Andhra Pradesh), and n-Logue, TeNet and DHAN Foundation (Tamil Nadu) which are all large scale initiatives.
The research aimed at building an understanding of the larger issue of financing and designing ICTD inititiatives as it was carried out for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as a part of the Task Force for Financing Mechanisms (TFFM) mandate within the WSIS process.
n-Logue, TeNet, DHAN foundation160.15 KB
Introduction53.35 KB
Rural e-Seva156.66 KB
Akshaya146.71 KB
Focus Areas