digital sovereignty


The development of artificial intelligence (AI) today is hindered by limited computational power, largely controlled by concentrated markets dominated by Big Tech. High-performance chips crucial for large AI models are further restricted through vertical integration and a centralized cloud market. As AI's economic importance grows, access to…


We are delighted to share that the 2023 edition of the School of Feminist Economics on Feminist Digital Justice will be conducted virtually from 5-7 September 2023.

The School of Feminist Economics (SFE) was born in 2018, and since then has built a training space to socialize analysis and tools for the construction of critical…


IT for Change and InternetLab are co-organizing a roundtable on April 19th and 20th to catalyze a productive debate revolving around the central question: what new imaginaries of social media governance will be adequate to eradicate the unfreedoms arising from misogyny in online communications agora?

Through this roundtable, the…


Framing a development agenda for Internet governance has been a key policy research area for IT for Change. The Internet is transforming power relationships at all levels, and therefore, geopolitical and geo-economic relationships. Developed countries, led by the US, where almost all of global digital big business is centred…