

“I had always felt conscious about my pimples and dark skin. I never thought I looked good,” admitted Pooja,* a Class 9 student in a government high school in Mysuru.

Pooja is part of her school’s ‘Kishori Club’—a safe space established exclusively for adolescent girls. During a Kishori Club session on ‘Body Image and Adolescence’, Pooja…


Teachers will ‘teach to the test’ and focus on ensuring that the student can write answers to questions related to the syllabus, rather than ‘teach the learner’.

The Karnataka Education Department recently announced common examinations for grade 5 and 8 students. The Schools Association appealed against this decision, contending that…


The Indian public education system has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to prolonged school closures and exacerbating existing inequalities. The National Coalition on the Education Emergency (NCEE) was formed to address these challenges through coordinated national-level efforts. This paper examines the NCEE's work in…


School closures for a major part of the last two years due to the pandemic has impacted different children in different ways; many have not received structured learning opportunities. A majority of them are likely to have not progressed in their formal education and have also lost out on skills and knowledge they had acquired, owing to lack of…


IT for Change's teams for Education and Prakriye, regularly bring back insights and learnings from their time on the field. Notes from the Field documents these insights.*

What it Takes to Maintain Access to the Digital: Experiences of Adolescent Girls in Rural Mysuru Nayana Kirasur


The rise in phone penetration and…


The percentage enrolment of children in government schools overall, is declining every year and that of private schools increasing, as the statistics collected by the Government of India indicate. ‘Private’ has become a buzzword for ‘quality education’, or at least to making a claim to be better than ‘government’.


Privatisation of…

Education has been accepted as a project for social and political transformation, with the development of each individual not only for her economic gains, but also for building a just and humane society1. It also needs to promote awareness and build agency for sustainable development…


Tata Trust gave a grant to Shiva Sri Charitable Trust (SSCT) to strengthen and up scale their school education model in Government Higher Primary Schools in Chitradurga and Davangere, and to conduct capacity building for the State Government to sustain the program. The school education model of SSCT has the following components…