The starting point of this paper is that the value extraction apparatus of digital labor platforms can be understood only by deploying a ‘reproductive lens’ and not through a exclusive focus on their algorithmic optimization strategies in mediating the labor marketplace. Rooted in an in-depth empirical exploration of the experiences of 19 women…
Sonakshi Agarwal
This baseline report, conducted as part of IT for Change’s broader partnership with LabourNet under the ‘Re-wiring India's Digitalising Economy for Women's Rights and Well-being’ project, aims to provide data-backed, specific recommendations for the development of the SAHI Serve app, recognizing the ecosystem in which it is situated and the…
Digital labour platforms function in markets through “matching…the supply of and demand for paid work through an online platform”. One of the major ways in which matching platforms function is through algorithms, which collect vast amounts of data both from the workers and their customers in order to ostensibly optimise their services…
The question of decent work for the platform economy is one of significance, in light of the millions of workers engaged in online web-based or location-based services globally. The ILO meeting of experts on Decent Work in the Platform Economy has outlined a detailed list of considerations to be addressed in its meeting between 10-14 October,…