IT for Change’s Inputs to OHCHR on Online Hate Speech

IT for Change participated in the call for inputs by the UN Special Rapporteur, in order to inform the report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism on online hate speech to 78th session of the General Assembly.

IT for Change's submission highlights how gender intersects with, compounds, and reinforces discrimination based on race as well as other social markers such as caste and religion to make women and gender minorities particularly vulnerable targets of hate speech and harassment online. The submission raised three points of concern along with recommendations:

  1. The Importance of Recognizing Gender-Based Hate Speech and Intersection of Gender With Other Marginalized Identities
  2. The Need for Recognition and Strong Frameworks of Platform Accountability in Addressing Online Hate Speech, Including Gender-Based Hate Speech
  3. Legislative, Policy and Regulatory Efforts Needed to Address Hate Speech

Read the submission here.

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