Our Advocacy Statements
IT for Change's Submission to the Call for Inputs on Indigenous Peoples Right To Data
As part of our ongoing advocacy work in the digital rights space, IT for Change recently responded to a call for inputs titled 'Indigenous Peoples right to data, including data collection and disaggregation', issued by the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The inputs will be used in a draft study which will be introduced by…
Joint submission/endorsement with Digital Merger Watch DMW on a response to the Nvidia/Run:ai merger
Along with a coalition of CSOs IT for Change contributed to a submission to the European Competition Commission urging it to investigate the Nvidia/Run:ai merger. The group expressed concerns that the merger would help Nvidia reinforce its super-dominance in the supply of advanced GPUs by integrating Run:ai software to build an additional…
IT for Change’s Response to the Public Consultation on the OECD Draft Recommendation on Information Integrity
On behalf of IT for Change, Merrin Muhammed Ashraf submitted comments on the recently released OECD Draft Recommendations on Information Integrity. The draft Recommendation aims to provide guidance for policy makers to promote information integrity in line with the universal human rights of freedom of opinion and expression.
IT for…
IT for Change's Response to the OSET's AI Opportunity Scan
In August 2024, IT for Change responded to the Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology's AI Opportunity Scan. The scan was meant to gather respondents' expectations for AI’s positive impact in terms of scientific breakthroughs, economic activities and the SDGs. The survey asked only about possible positive implications of AI.…
Briefing for the OHCHR Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
On September 26, 2024, IT for Change and FIAN International organized a briefing for the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights on the implications of digitalization on these rights. We invited our partners Third World Network, TNI, Medicus Mundi and GI-ESCR.
We helped provide an overview of the imperative of acting to…
IT for Change's Comments on UNESCO's Consultation Paper on AI Regulation
On behalf of IT for Change, Merrin Muhammed Ashraf submitted comments on the recently released UNESCO Consultation Paper on Regulatory Approaches for Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Consultation Paper is part of a broader effort by UNESCO, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and the Internet Governance Forum’s Parliamentary Track to engage…
Comments on the draft Karnataka Platform based Gig Workers Bill, 2024
Workers in India's platform economy have been working in gruelling conditions for several years, in the absence of fundamental labor rights, such as access to welfare, redressal for occupational harms, and the right to collective bargaining. Simultaneously, the platform economy has also created new frontiers in the fight for decent work,…
Input at the Virtual Consultation on Rev. 3 of the Global Digital Compact
IT for Change's Merrin Muhammed Ashraf participated in the virtual consultation convened by the co-facilitators of the Global Digital Compact on 22 August 2024 and delivered a statement on Rev 3.0 GDC on behalf of IT for Change and the Global Digital Justice Forum. The statement flagged some critical gaps in the text of the GDC which must be…
Statement by the People’s Working Group on Multistakeholderism on the draft text of the Pact for the Future
Peoples Working Group on Multistakeholderism, of which IT for Change is a part, submitted a written statement to the Co-facilitators of the Summit of the Future processes that conveyed its disappointment with the draft text for the Pact for the Future for failing to fix the trust deficit about the UN. To avoid a ‘League of Nations’ moment for…
Global Digital Justice Forum’s Input to Rev 2 of Pact for the Future
IT for Change, through the Global Digital Justice Forum, submitted its input to the Co-Facilitators of the Summit of the Future on Rev 2 of the Pact for the Future. In its submission, the Forum flagged four critical areas where Rev 2 needs to intensify concrete commitments:
Remove intellectual property (IP) rights barriers that impede the…