
Anita Gurumurthy will be moderating a session at the Civil Society Forum 2021 on "Digital Technology and Good Governance: Creating a Legal Environment that Protects Human Rights, Respects Privacy…

IT for Change participated in two events at the World Social Forum 2021, held virtually.

Bhavna Jha participated in the panel "Contemporary pressures on the collective imagination and…

IT for Change will be co-organizing the webinar The Great Take Over: How we resist the Davos capture of global governance, which critically examines and challenges the capture of global governance…

IT for Change, with support from EdelGive Foundation and International Development Research Centre, Canada (IDRC), is bringing together legal scholars, practitioners, platform intermediaries,…

IT for Change will be hosting the Seventh Quarterly Roundtable of the Data Governance Network on Wednesday, January 27th from 3:15 to 5:45 PM IST.

Researchers from the DGN nodes – IDFC…

Gurumurthy Kasinathan will be participating in India FOSS Week, hosted by Civic Data Lab and supported by Omidyar Network India, in a panel discussion on FOSS and Education.

The panel will…

Yogesh K S gave a lightning talk hosted by the Creative Commons Open Education Platform demonstrating how MediaWiki platform, and Wikimedia open knowledge projects can be used as pedagogical tools…

Nandini Chami spoke at the launch of Campaign of Campaigns, a collaborative project by the Civil Society Group on Financing for Development (CS Group on FfD) and the Women’s Working Group on…

Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami will be presenting a feminist action framework for the digital economy at the Global South Women's Forum 2020, during the session "The Deal We Always Wanted", co…

Parminder Jeet Singh will be participating in a public round table discussion on "Open Digital Ecosystems: The Way Forward for India", co-hosted by Omidyar Network India and Carnegie India. This…