Global South


IT for Change is pleased to announce the call for applications for the second edition of its residential institute on ‘Frontiers and Frames for a New Digitality,’ organized by the School of Digital Justice, IT for Change and supported by the Fair, Green and Global Alliance.

🗓 Date: March 2025 (final dates to be confirmed)…

Anita Gurumurthy, Nandini Chami and Amay Korjan from IT for Change, contributed a chapter to a report titled “Future of Global Governance: Perspectives from Global South”. The report was launched by Global Policy Watch ahead of the Summit of the Future to be held on September 22-23 at United Nations Headquarters in New York, with views from…

As procurers of all the civic tech that surrounds us, municipal authorities today find themselves in a unique position — they have become the custodians of personal and aggregate data generated by the world’s largest human concentrations. Rich or poor, large or small, democratic, autocratic, or otherwise, cities — mostly in the Global South —…


IT for Change and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) joined forces in 2022 to facilitate a series of discussions across the Global South with a goal to create feminist visions for our shared digital future. With the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, the Access to Knowledge for Development Center, Research ICT Africa, and FES’…


The Global Digital Justice Forum is a dynamic coalition driven by a vision of digital justice. The forum represents a diverse array of civil society stakeholders, including sustainable development organizations, digital rights networks, feminist groups, corporate watchdogs, communication rights campaigners, trade unions and cooperatives. At the…


To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Tenure Guidelines on sustainable governance adopted by the Committee on World Food Security, FIAN International and the Working Group on Land and Territories of the IPC – a coalition of social movements working on food sovereignty and the Right to Food – will release a series of country-specific case…


The European Commission’s proposal for a European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade – an important milestone towards a foundation for our shared digital world – reflects a predictable unease. It mirrors the fraught politics of our times; the tall order to recover the planet and people from the insatiable profit…


The context of society- and economy-wide platformization and an expanding spectrum of platform workplaces necessitates a re-think of labor rights at the intersection of data, data-enabled algorithms, and work process reorganization. This working paper takes stock of emerging debates in this frontier domain of workers’ data rights, evaluating…


In this project, IT for Change, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), and country partners will unpack how micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) participation in the global economy is increasingly shaped by the rapid deployment of digital technologies (e.g. ERP, RPA, platformized models), as well as the mediating impact of regulatory…


We are excited to publish a brand new issue paper under our collaborative Feminist Digital Justice project with DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era).

Read it here!

The seventh issue paper, authored by Kumudini Samuel, Florencia Partenio, and Cai Yiping from DAWN, explores feminist digital activism in the Global…