
Digital platforms and tools can support widespread construction of learning resources and allow teachers to create local learning resources. However proprietary apps control…

The Jamsetji Tata Centre for Disaster Management (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) organised a consultation between 27-28 August 2012 on 'Post 2015 Development' to reflect on…

IT for Change submitted its input to the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women for its report on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice in…

ITfC made a presentation at NUEPA, in a workshop for education Secretaries from different states, on the guidelines for ICT @ School program. The presentation discussed key…

ITfC made a presentation to the Secretaries of Education from different state governments. The presentation explains the need to move from 'first generation programs' where students only learn…

Study Visit for Mongolian delegation on e-governance in India , November 18-26 2011

Between 18th and 26th November 2011, IT for Change in partnership with LoGin…

In the article, Gurumurthy Kasinathan busts the myth of the technological inferiority of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and highlights its usefulness for Small and Medium…

IT for Change wrote a paper titled 'A development agenda in Internet Governance - Outlining global public policy issues and exploring new institutional options' for the IBSA (India, Brazil, South…

IT for Change organised a panel with IKME at the EADI/DSA General Conference on 'Rethinking Development in an Age of Scarcity and Uncertainty' which was held in York (United…

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IT for Change was asked to comment on the Final Report of the Research Project 'Mediating Voices and Communicating Realities – Using Information Crowdsourcing Tools, Open Data…