
Parminder Jeet Singh contributed to the plenary meeting on “Criticism of Globalisation in the Digital World: Big Data, Technology Giants and Counter-force”, organised by the Karibu Foundation as…

Gurumurthy Kasinanthan participated in a discussion about whether algorithms are here to stay, and how we can respond to the challenge of algorithmic injustice, organised by Open Democracy on 27th…

Anita Gurumurthy spoke at a two-part webinar series titled 'Research and Destruction: The Role of Science in Waging Imperialist War and Fighting for Just Peace', organized by Commission 13 of the…

Sadhana Sanjay represented IT for Change at a virtual roundtable about the gig economy, co-organized by the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre and the Center for Alliance of Labor and Human…

India and the US are close to signing a limited trade deal that includes some key agricultural and dairy products, medical devices and some issues of digital trade. India hopes to secure a…

Anita Gurumurthy participated in the Janta Parliament, a virtual people's parliament, jointly organised by by several civil society initiatives and grassroots movements, to discuss urgent…

Anita Gurumurthy will be speaking at an online conference entitled "Countering the Effects of the Pandemic: Women’s Viewpoints" organized by the "women and girls" working group of the Civil BRICS…

India and the US are close to signing a limited trade deal that includes some key agricultural and dairy products, medical devices and some issues of digital trade. India hopes to secure a…

Parminder Jeet Singh's latest research 'Economic Rights in a Data-based Society: Collective Data Ownership, Workers’ Rights, and the Role of the Public Sector' was presented and discussed at the…

Parminder Jeet Singh was a part of an interactive discussion about the draft non-personal data governance framework. The session was moderated by Amrita Choudhury from CCAOI and Internet Society,…