Gurumurthy Kasinathan

This is an analysis of the process of "district ranking" of the SSLC results and what needs to be done with the results for improving educational outcomes.

Article "Tech know" -  SANJAY GUPTA and  PRIYA VISWANATH.

Good idea.... bad design???

"The audio-visual ‘lab’ was equipped with a solar-powered E-prashala (a multi-purpose educational computer). D.S. Athave, the English teacher, opened the textbook — digitised and available on the reading platform — and asked the Std. VIII…


The objectives of the Teachers Community of Learning (TCoL) programme is two-fold. The first objective is to create an on-line community of teachers to enable them to network, share resources, seek assistance and voice their opinions of education policy and day-to-day school transactions and eventually…

Original query

Pre-service teacher development is an important stepping stone for being able to have teachers who are prepared for the task ahead.  In-service programs in that sense have to be linked to them and need to build on what pre-service programs do. In fact in-service…

Response on 'What is Public Software' IT for Change The key issues raised in the mails are: the term Public Software is a distortion of FOSS and takes away the key principle of freedom implied in FOSS; and that using these terms in a somewhat overlapping manners causes confusion and introduces a new agenda which is harmful to…

Gurumurthy Kasinathan participated in the OpenNet Initiative (ONI) 2010 Global Summit on “Should Cyberspace be Secured as an Open Commons?”, on June 30 at Ottawa. This event featured three high-level panels of experts and practitioners on prominent topics related to cyberspace governance, security, and advocacy. Participants…