

Gurumurthy Kasinathan writes about SSLC performance rankings and the undue stress they cause leading to multiple preparatory examinations which may not be the best thing for students and teachers. He analyzes the problematic nature of these rankings and suggests alternatives in an opinion piece in the Deccan Herald.




The Subject Teacher Forum (STF) an “in-service teacher education” program for high school teachers in Karnataka, was started in 2010-11 by Rashtriya Madhyamika Shiksha Abhiyaan (RMSA) and Directorate of School Educational Research and Training (DSERT) Karnataka, in collaboration with IT for Change. The STF focuses on integrating ICTs for…


ITfC has been working with teacher-educators from District Institute of Education and Training (DIETs) and Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs) in Karnataka, over 2012-2016,  to build a 'community of practice' for teacher educators. This 'Community of Practice for teacher-educators' (COP TE) is being build in collaboration with Directorate of…


Gurumurthy, IT for Change was a member in the Committee constituted by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) to deliberate on recommendations 8 and 12 of the Justice Verma Commission report. Recommendation No 8 is that “the first professional degree in Teacher Education be only face to face mode”, and recommendation 12 is "Faculty…


The Subject Teacher Forum (STF) is an “in-service teacher education” programme for high school teachers in Karnataka was started in 2010-11 by RMSA Karnataka, in collaboration with IT for Change. Over the last four years, ITfC has trained around 500 Government High School teachers in mathematics, science, head teacher and social…


Ranjani Ranganathan was a member of the core group for the design of the National ICT curriculum, 2013 of Central Institute of Education Technology (CIET), NCERT. The National ICT curriculum has been based on the aspirations and guidelines set in the National ICT Policy which focuses on building the skills of computing, creating and…


ITfC participated in the the first South Asia Ministerial Forum (SAMF) in New Delhi on 11-12 Feb 2013. The SAMF organised by UNESCO New Delhi, MHRD and Intel saw the participation of Education Ministers from all the SAARC countries including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka as well as Minster of…


The Government of Rajasthan floated a tender for the purchase of 112,000 laptops in January 2013. In their bid document they have specifically asked for proprietary software to be provided by the vendor. IT for Change worked with the network of educationists across India, to write a letter to the Government asking it to re-consider the waste of…


ITfC worked with Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyaan (RMSA), Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT), Karnataka, to create professional learning communities of Mathematics, Science and Social Sciences teachers, through the Subject Teacher Forum program (STF) across 34 districts of Karnataka. The program…


Gurumurthy, IT for Change was a member of the MHRD 12 five year plan group on Teacher Education, and contributed to the chapter on ICT integration in Teacher Education, in the plan document for Teacher Education. The plan document recommends the adoption of free and open technologies to enable teachers to collaborate with one another to create…