

IT for Change was invited by NCERT to be part of the Committee to review the Class 9 ICT text book, and participated in a workshop at NCERT, Delhi during June 2018. ITfC provided inputs from our experiencesin the state-wide teacher development and curriculum design programs in Karnataka and Telangana.

Similar to the text book developed…


The Department of IT, Government of Rajasthan is developing a 'Jana Suchana' portal. The aim of this portal is to provide a 'panchayat' centric view to citizens, in which all the support agencies/departments information work/programs for the specified geography would be provided. This helps move the information system paradigm from MIS (…


ITfC conducted a study to design a framework for implementing ICT integration in school education for the entire country, in collaboration with Tata Trusts. The study aimed to build a knowledge base on ICT program design which was submitted to MHRD as an input. The study also aimed to influence organizations working in the area of ICT…


The paper is the documentation of the ‘Digital Storytelling’ (DST) project run by the authors with teachers and students in seven different goverment high schools. This academic process of creating digital stories and using them in several educational endevours are the central theme of this paper.

India is seen to have…


Tata Trust gave a grant to Shiva Sri Charitable Trust (SSCT) to strengthen and up scale their school education model in Government Higher Primary Schools in Chitradurga and Davangere, and to conduct capacity building for the State Government to sustain the program. The school education model of SSCT has the following components…


It is widely accepted that digital technologies (popularly known as Information and Communication Technologies or ICT) have the potential to strengthen and reform school education. However, in the absence of a clear framework for program design, the impact of numerous governmental and non-governmental actors on learning processes and outcomes…


IT for Change (ITfC) worked with Karnataka Education Department (2011-16) on the ‘Subject Teacher Forum program’ (STF), to build a model of in-service teacher education (INSET) that integrated Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for creating subject-wise professional learning communities (PLCs) of government high school teachers.…


The paper is based on the experiences and insights of the first author, from her personal learning journey in her teaching and her interactions with peers at school, block, state and national levels, as a Government high school teacher of Mathematics and Science for 8, 9 and 10 grades. The second author, working in an NGO, on programs for…


Centre for Education and Technology, IT for Change (, in collaboration with Vijaya Teachers College, is transacting a certificate course on “Integrating ICT in teacher education” for faculty from Bachelors of Education programs in colleges of Bengaluru. The course is offered in a blended mode, with learning…


With the support of the South Asia Women’s Fund, the Prakriye field centre of IT for Change initiated a year-long capacity-building programme for strengthening the agency, autonomy and leadership of 85 adolescent girls in rural Mysore, in March 2016 -- Dhwanigalu. This training programme effectively combines traditional and technology-mediated…