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Arthan, an India-based social enterprise.
Anita Gurumurthy will be moderating a virtual discussion on "Digital Platforms, Labour Rights, and Organising for Women in the Gig Economy", which is part of Arthan's "Women, Work and the Gig Economy" research initiative, and is taking place during their international Future of Work forum from December 16 to 18, 2020.
The session will address questions such as:
- How does platform work change the relations between the technology intermediary and its service providers?
- How does the employment relationship vary depending on whether the service providers are men or women?
- How can women workers organize and engage with platforms to address issues of concern?
- What role can platforms play in the dialogue with workers and how can labour regulation help reconcile the interests of workers and businesses in the gig economy?
The participants of the panel include:
- Payal Arora, Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Project Co-Lead "Feminist Approaches to Digital Labour Collectives. Organizing Digitally in South Asia".
- Kriangsak Teera-Hong, Founder and Managing Director, Just Economy and Labor Institute, and Project Lead "Centering the Agency of Women in Thailand’s Platform-based Care Economy".