
As part of our ongoing advocacy work in the digital rights space, IT for Change recently responded to a call for inputs titled 'Indigenous Peoples right to data, including data collection and…

The starting point of this paper is that the value extraction apparatus of digital labor platforms can be understood only by deploying a ‘reproductive lens’ and not through a exclusive focus on…

Along with a coalition of CSOs IT for Change contributed to a submission to the European Competition Commission urging it to investigate the Nvidia/Run:ai merger. The group expressed concerns that…

IT for Change, with support from Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, is undertaking a project ‘Pathways to Gender Equality in the Platform Economy: Evolving a Policy Agenda for Beijing+30’, commencing in…

Digital infrastructure-led development has occupied centre stage in the global policy circles. The discourse in India focuses on leapfrogging the traditional stages of development with the use of…

IT for Change, in partnership with the Center for Global Digital Justice (CGDJ), along with Third World Network and Global Policy Forum, seeks to build a sector-specific, contextually grounded pro…

As part of the second edition of the National Gender Fellowship, the Bengaluru Institute facilitated an opportunity for all the Fellows to come together and learn from prominent practitioners on…

Why do micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) struggle with using digital marketplaces such as Amazon or Facebook for their operations? How can we make digital marketplaces more advantageous…

The Global Digital Compact upholds “gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls and their full, equal and meaningful participation” as a core principle for digital cooperation [para…

On behalf of IT for Change, Merrin Muhammed Ashraf submitted comments on the recently released OECD Draft Recommendations on Information Integrity. The draft Recommendation aims to provide…