Anita Gurumurthy participated in a webinar on Digital Sequence Information: Taking Stock and Moving Forward, organized by the Third World Network as part of their Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework series of webinars.
The webinar aimed to bring participants up to date on international discussions related to digital sequence information (DSI) in agriculture and biodiversity. Presentations will explain what DSI is and why it is important, explaining how DSI relates to access and benefit sharing, how it can replace the need for sharing physical genetic resources and how it can be used in biopiracy. Presentations will also track the development of international DSI discussions including the role of DSI in the breakdown of talks at the International Treaty on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), and upcoming talks in the CBD.
Anita presented on the topic of "The epochal shift from Big Science to Data Science: A critical perspective". Click here to view her presentation.