Azim Premji University
IT for Change
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - India Office
The millennial euphoria about feminist emancipation in a digitally mediated new world is faced with a more sobering reality. While new possibilities for community and solidarity, voice and self expression, have certainly opened up, this is not a simplistic narrative of empowerment and change. Digital artifacts and spaces are no exception to disconcerting ideologies of sexism, misogyny and heteronormativity. Feminism is at a crossroads, as the lines between the online and offline blend, giving rise to new social hierarchies and relationships.
Join us for an evening of spirited discussion and debate as we hear from fresh and radical voices on a range of questions including - how creeping datafication expands the policing of bodies?; How algorithmic regimes shape gender norms?; What the ‘uberizing’ economy mean for women’s livelihoods? and so on.
Shehla Rashid Shora, JNU
Vijeta Kumar, St. Joseph's College
Anita Gurumurthy, IT for Change
Moderator and Chair:
Nitya Vasudevan, Samvada