Artificial Intelligence(Al) for Education

NCERT AI for Education Webinar ITfC
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Gurumurthy Kasinathan was a part of the first webinar on Artificial Intelligence for Education by the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT). He raised some important concerns that need to be kept in mind while using these advanced technologies for education.

In the webinar, he warned of the dangers of closed black box algorithms which dilute teacher and learner agency, and the use of Big Data potentially aggravating socio-economic inequities in education. He noted that to move forward with using AI in Education the AI algorithms used in education must necessarily be open source to avoid black boxes and should only be used in education when it empowers teachers.

He was joined by two other presenters in the webinar-
Prof Amarendra P Behera, Joint Director of CIET, NCERT
Prof Nagarjuna G, former professor of HBCSE, TIFR

The session was chaired by Dr Rejaul Karim Barbhuriya, Assistant Prof., CIET, NCERT.

Listen to the entire webinar here.