Covid-19 has had a terrible impact on every aspect of life, as we all know. The sufferings of the underprivileged because of Covid-19 and the efforts taken to combat the infection are self-evident. Humankind has witnessed an unprecedented tragedy of the century. Loss of loved ones, lost livelihood prospects for historically marginalized groups, increased child maltreatment, loss of learning due to school shut down for 20 months, increased child marriage, child trafficking, and child malnutrition are just a few of the difficulties that vulnerable communities experienced.
According to the 'State of Working India, 2021– One Year of Covid-19,' a study conducted by Azim Premji University, roughly 230 million additional individuals are now below the minimum wage poverty line, primarily due to economic shocks. The current economic crisis is having a negative impact on children's education.
The public hearing is an attempt to hear children's, parents', and community leaders' perspectives on a unique educational catastrophe affecting the marginalized.
These cases would be heard by an empowered jury panel, which would make recommendations to restore the right to education of children from disadvantaged populations.
- Denial to children learning
- Children are forced to drop out of school due to a lack of funds to pay for private school fees.
- Children are out of school because they have not received a Transfer Certificate (TC) from a private school.
- The hardships of the marginalized children who are unable to afford online education.
- Once again, children are the inevitable forces of child labor.
Parents, children, and representatives from the organization will address the topics mentioned above. To hear the grievances of parents and children, the panelists are - Ms. Jayashree - President, Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights; Ms. Kavitha Ratna - Director, Research, Advocacy, and Communication Division, The Concerned Working for Children Bangalore; Mr. Shripad Bhatt - Progressive thinker, a member -movement for Common education; Ms. B N Nagarathna -ASARE Organization Harohalli and Member Coordination Committee for Common Education Bangalore; Mr. Gurumurthy Kasinathan - Directors IT for Change, Bangalore; and Adv. Vinay. K Srinivasa - Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore.