LegaCoop, Centro StudioDoc, Alma Vicoo, ReteDoc
Italian conference about platform cooperativism which will take place on 13th May in Bologna, titled it "Cooperative Platforms: a lever for youth policies and the protection of new jobs". The aim was to discuss whether cooperative platforms can be the right instrument to welcome young people into the labor market and bring them closer to the world of cooperation, guaranteeing the quality of life and protection in new jobs and redistribution of wealth. The conference builds on Sustainable Development Goals 1, 8, 9 and 12.
1.Theoretical perspectives (chair University of Bologna): Nandini Chami (IT for change), Francesca Martinelli (Centro Studi Doc Foundation), Anna Pesole (Expert of Platforms Minister of Labour), Flaviano Zandonai (Cooperative Group CGM)
2. Cooperative experiences (chair Innovacoop): Daniela Furlani (Doc Creativity), Robin Food, Vicoo Platform, Fairbnb, CoTaBo, Damiano Avellino (CoopValley)
3.Policies for platforms (chair Chiara Chiappa, Centro Studi Doc Foundation): Giuseppe Guerini (CECOP), Dimitri Tartari (ER Region), Elisabetta Gualmini (MEP), Anna Ascani (secretary Ministry of economic development with cooperative delegation)
Watch a recording of the entire event in Italian here.
Watch a recording of Nandini Chami's presentation in English with Italian subtitles here.