Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)
Nandini Chami spoke at the third online discussion from the “post-covid feminist agenda” series organized by The Regional Gender and Feminism Office at Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).
The session was organized in partnership with The Access to Knowledge for Development Center (A2K4D) at the school of business, The American University in Cairo, Egypt and revolved around a "Post-Covid Feminist Framework for Digital Justice in the MENA Region"
During this 90-minute panel discussion, feminists and activists from the region were invited to discuss the economic, political and social reforms that can be undertaken in order to move towards digital justice in the MENA region, learning from the lessons of the pandemic.
The session took place on July 27, 2022 from 05:00 p.m. to 06:30 p.m. Beirut time. The session was moderated by Dr. Nagla Rizk, Founding Director of the Access to Knowledge for Development Center (A2K4D). Our panelists include:
Nandini Chami, Deputy Director, IT for Change, India
Gihane Abou Zeid, Researcher and Human Rights Activist, Egypt
Alya Awada, Co-founder and managing Director, NO2TA, Lebanon