Global Index on Responsible AI, a project of Data for Development Network organized a workshop on what a feminist construction of AI would mean for the Global South on the 16th of August, 2022. It hoped to unpack a set of tools, ie. OECD Principles, UNESCO Principles, GIRAI for assessing efforts by states to create socially responsible and ethical use of AI, and a critique of AI being Gender-neutral etc.
The opening plenary is by Nokuthula Oluronju from Research ICT Africa & Professor Paula Ricaurte from Technologico de Monterrey. It will be facilitated by Dr Kelly Stone, Research ICT Africa.
This will be followed by breakout sessions:
1. Bridget Boake, Ghanian Entrepreneur & Data Scientist, Africa
Facilitated by Huguette Diakabana, Aspen Institute
2. Nandini Chami, IT for Change, India
Facilitated by Dr Urvashi Aneja, Digital Futures Lab
3. Dr. Prof Jaime Gutierrez Alfaro, Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica, Latin America
Facilitated by Dr Mariel Zasso, AI researcher
Here is the link to register for the workshop.