The Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) was organized in Bonn, Germany from 27-30 September. At the conference, civil society actors, researchers, and networkers, mainly from the Global South and with strong LDC participation, gathered. The meeting aimed to provide a timely opportunity to assess the current global situation and the multiple challenges and crises with their cumulative impacts, especially for LDCs. The program explored and unpacked key policy issues of the Doha Programme of Action (DPoA) and analyzed the opportunities and challenges in its implementation.
Anita Gurumurthy participated in a session titled ‘Future of LDCs’ on 28 September. In this session, the content of the recently adopted Doha Programme of Action (DPoA) was explored from different angles: its objectives, shortfalls and gaps, potential, and challenges. Implementation strategies at country, regional and global levels and related challenges, such as the outcome of the WTO MC12 were also discussed.
Along with Anita, Jane Nalunga, Gershom Kabaso, Bodo Ellmers, and Yoke Ling participated. The discussion was moderated by Lesley Ann and Hussainatu Abdullah.
Anita also moderated a session on ‘Norms and norm-setting’ held on 29 September. This session explored how global rules often diverge and even undermine gender, economic, and climate justice.
Read more about the Conference here.